How to take care your new tattoo
@albatattooist in action in Amsterdam by @rodaderoink Everyday around de world so many people is getting tattooed, but a big amount of this people don't receive any information how to take care of their tattoos. Thats why im writing this today! Normally I don't write in English but this is time to open a window to other people to read the information I love to share. Well, let me begin saying that in the last post that is in Spanish I explain how to take care of your tattoo, but in the last year as tattoo artist I have been learning from others great artists and in this road that never ends I found a lot of new and also old school teachings that for a person like me (kind of a nerd) take me through a research trip. Now is time to enter into the most discussed theme in this moment in the tattoo`s world, which product to use to take care? How to make the all process? Well here is what I have been preaching in the last years. Before starting on this topic I want to say that w...